1. How do I place my order?
  2. How do I confirm my order?
  3. How long does it take to process my order?
  4. Can I cancel or change my order?
  5. How can I keep track of my orders and my account balance?
  6. What do I do if I am dissatisfied with my order?
  7. What should I do if I do not receive my order within the estimated delivery date?

  1. How do I place my order?
    All orders can only be made through our website. Before placing your order, you must join as our authorised dealer.

  2. How do I confirm my order?
    You are required to select all the necessary information of your order, including attaching your artwork, selecting the material type, printing requirements and finally, click on the "order" button to send the order to us.

  3. How long does it take to process my order?
    Please click here for process duration.

  4. Can I cancel or change my order?
    Once you submit an order to XPRINT, it is considered a purchase. Once an order is in the process stage (i.e, "Checking", "Printing in process" or "Delivery" status indicated in the Check Order Status page) it cannot be cancelled or changed.

  5. How can I keep track of my orders and my account balance?
    You can login to your ePrinting accounts to check your order status, history and account balance.

  6. What do I do if I am dissatisfied with my order?
    If you are not satisfied with any product, please file an order complaint (complain order) within 1 week (7 days) of receiving your order. Please include picture of photo to specify your reason for dissatisfaction.

    Our Customer Service department will review your request and work with you to meet your expectations.

    PLEASE NOTE: We will only reprint any product that fails to meet the conditions under the General Expectation on Printing Outcome. However, we are not responsible for typing, image, or design errors introduced by customers in the artwork/document creation process. In an effort to keep costs down and pass those savings along to our customers, XPRINT does not review artwork/documents for content or spelling.

  7. What should I do if I do not receive my order within the estimated delivery date?
    If you have not received your order within the specified delivery time, please feedback to us by contact our customer service at 04-9636105 not later than 7 working days from the date of the specified delivery time.

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